Who We Are

About us

Elevate Your Career

Professional Audition Movement

Welcome to our website, “Professional Audition Movement”!

We are an event open to dancers between the ages of 17 and 27 at the time of the event. Our main goal is to create opportunities for young dancers by providing them with the chance to be seen by company directors and international choreographers.

We understand how crucial it is for emerging dancers to have the opportunity to perform in front of industry professionals. The connections made during our event inevitably translate into fruitful careers, with apprenticeship contracts, internship programs, and/or full-time commitments.

We recognize that a stellar performance can change the course of a career, which is why we strive to provide a stimulating environment where young dancers can showcase their talent and passion. We collaborate with company directors and industry professionals to offer concrete opportunities to our participants.

We are excited to be part of the journey of emerging dancers and contribute to their growth and success. We have created an event where talent shines and opportunities materialize.

Join us and discover how “Professional Audition Movement” can make a difference in your career.

"Your Audition For Success!"

What We Offer


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